Hippigypsy's Magic Garden

Gemstone and Crystal Properties

***Stay tuned for changes/additions. Check properties of all stones before use, some stones, like uncoated Malachite are soft (and dangerous to ingest!) and shouldn’t be immersed in water. Constant exposure to sunlight can change to color of stones like Amethyst. No advice given on this site is meant to take the place of medical or psychiatric treatment. ***


Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz amplifies energy. It can be used as an all around healer, keep quartz in your home to protect your space and shield from negativity. Can be programmed to accomplish a specific task. 

Candle quartz
Candle Quartz

Connected to nature and the fairy realm, this ancient stone can help with old habits and assist you in birthing a new life. Candle Quartz likes to have company, so buy at least two!


A positive stone, associated with solar plexus and overall abundance, place a piece in your purse or cash drawer to promote financial prosperity. Keep a piece on you to promote positivity and confidence.


Used in ancient times to promote sobriety, Amethyst is a deeply spiritual stone used to enhance psychic awareness. It’s ability to manifest peace and clarity makes it an ideal stone to assist in grief.

Gemstones and minerals


This beautiful stone is associated with higher realm communication and protection. Celestite promotes peace, angelic communication and enhances psychic ability. 


A very grounded stone. Promotes good health, vitality and confidence. Jasper helps allay your fears, calms mental anxiety and keeps you grounded in the present.


Connected to the earth and the natural realm, Malachite is healing and protective. Keep a piece by your computer for its ability to cleanse the environment.


Hematite is a very protective stone. Absorbs and deflects negativity. A soft stone, can crack easily if it absorbs too much negative energy. 


In use since ancient times and associated with the sacral chakra,  Carnelian enhances creativity and personal power. Enhances the bodies physical energy.


Kyanite wands remove blockages and negative energies, assists in healing “holes” in your energy field caused by past trauma. Blue Kyanite enhances communication.


“Stone of Courage”. The colors of this stone work on the combined energies of the spiritual and the physical. Encourages a positive outlook in times of stress.

Lapis Laszuli

Lapis is a beautiful and powerful stone with a long history of use dating back to ancient Egypt. Protects from psychic attack and enhances psychic abilities. Good for creativity and concentration.